Blog entry

Let's Talk Tuesday: Designing with Amethyst

It’s February and that means purple! At least to me, since I have a February birthday and have big love for Amethyst, February’s birthstone. Another fun purple event this month is a jewelry design challenge in SRAJD, Self-Representing Artists in Jewelry Design, a membership group of designers and makers. “Something Purple” was the theme and I’m thrilled to share my entry with you.

Captivating Chrysocolla

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You’ve already read about my love of turquoise. There are some mineral “relatives” of turquoise that rank high in my book as well. One is chrysocolla. Chrysocolla is one of the copper containing minerals that are used as gemstones and as minor copper ores. It’s a “secondary mineral” of copper, like malachite and azurite. In this post, I’d like to share some mineralogical information about chrysocolla and showcase some of my jewelry and that of other makers with this beautiful, not-so-well-known gemstone.

In the Pink - with Rhodochrosite

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I’ve been thinking a lot about pink these days. Wondering if the color psychology is true that pink can help you feel better. What do you think?

For my creative part, I’ve been drawn to pink stones lately, adding several new earrings to my shops that feature different pink gemstones. In this post, I’d like to introduce you to rhodochrosite.

What's New

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OK, so it's been a couple of years - yes, years - since my last blog post. I've been trundling along with my online shop, showing and selling at craft shows in my local Colorado area, creating new natural stone jewelry, and concentrating on getting better with my photography. I love hearing from folks who've stumbled across my shop or a photo in a Google search so I figured I'd better get the best photos I can out there. That's occupied the better part of the past year.