New Product at Pebbles At My Feet: Handcrafted Bracelet Clasping Tool/Helpers

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I've recently added a useful - and beautiful - accesory to my website store: handmade bracelet helper tools. These handy accessories are ready to help you clasp bracelets with a hook and ring type closure, all by yourself. This includes toggle clasps, hooks and eyes, and lobster or trigger clasps and rings.

I love functional things that are also beautiful or at least “cool-looking”. I think it is something we’ve gotten away from in daily life with the intrusion of everything mass-produced forced into our homes. I hope you'll agree that my handcrafted bracelet hooks are beautiful and functional and perhaps be inspired to add one to your jewelry box.

I have made and gifted these handy hook tools for a while now, but thought you might enjoy having a source to purchase them. I make two types: all forged wire, and forged wire with natural stone beads in different wrapped designs.

Use this video and the tips that follow to help you learn how to use your bracelet helper and gain the enjoyment of being able to wear all the bracelets in your jewelry box whether or not you have a human helper at home.


How to use your handmade bracelet clasp tool by Pebbles At My Feet:

  1. You may either lay the helper across the bottom of your hand and close your fingertips on it or, as I prefer, put the spiral of the helper (or the top bead) between your pinky and ring finger and lay the helper at a downward angle across your palm so that the hook is near the base of your thumb. You can “hike up” on the helper/wire (putting more of the spiral end through your fingers) if you find the tool is too long.
  2. Catch the eye or ring of your bracelet into the hook of the helper.
  3. Wrap your bracelet behind and under your wrist, holding the hook of the bracelet in your dominant hand. Bring the bracelet hook/clasp to the ring while still attached to the bracelet helper.
  4. Hook your bracelet clasp through the bracelet ring.
  5. Release the helper from the bracelet ring. It’s on!


A hand forged copper bracelet helper tool adorned with green stones

Let me know if you've used a similar tool before and if you think this is an essential jewelry box accessory!

Thanks for reading.



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